• 发表时间:2016-06-21 09:59 | 优美女人网 | 点击数:
  •   众所周知,中国是电子烟的发明者主要生产地,全球90%以上的电子烟来自中国深圳。然而中国电子烟绝大部分用来出口,国内消费市场一度萎靡不振。直到2014年二三季百度电子烟搜索指数突兀暴增,中国电子烟市场逐渐被打开。

      As is known to all, China is the inventor as well as major producer of vape(电子烟). About 90% of vape in the global market comes from Shenzhen. However, it should be noticed that most production of vape is for export while the domestic market remains sluggish. It is not until the second and third season of 2014 that Baidu search volume of vape shoots up and Chinese market gradually opens up its gate.

      2015年中国电子烟销售额从几乎为零到20多亿元的爆发吸引了众多投资者,原本期待爆发的电子烟行业在 2016年却遭到美国FDA新政的当头一棒,让原本斗志昂扬的电子烟从业者们受到了严重打击。

      In 2015, trade volume of vape soars from almost zero to two billion RMB, attracting a large amount of investors. Nevertheless, the emerging industry was given a head-on blow by the new policies of the USA Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and well-motivated stake-holders of the industry was then depressed.

      然而美国市场的限制却让机智的商家们开始转而投入中国市场,中国烟民的总数约占全球1/3,而常规电子烟消费者只有几十万人,市场潜力可想而知。敏锐的商家们嗅到了中国市场爆发的气息,许多经营国际渠道的品牌商家重新开辟国内市场,美国电子烟连锁业巨头——ELEVATE 也开始征战中国市场,对中国电子烟市场相当看好!

      Due to restrictions imposed on American market, businessmen turn their eyes to Chinese market where the total volume of smokers occupy one-third of the world’s smoking population while vapors are estimated to be less than one million. The potential of Chinese market is so great that investors start to explore the market and restart their business. ELEVATE- a giant in American vape industry also attaches great importance to it and is now prepared for the battle occupying Chinese market.

      ELEVATE VAPE CLUB 总部坐落于美国电子烟行业的中心——南加州洛杉矶。优越的地理位置给线上零售品牌提供了得天独厚的条件。蒸汽香雾俱乐部以其优质的产品和服务,超高的人气在行业内唯一被福布斯杂志及美国媒体评为最受欢迎的电子烟连锁品牌。

      The headquarter of ELEVATE VAPE CLUB is located in the center of American vape industry—southern California Los Angeles. The advantageous location adds bonus points to its online retail brand. Because of its high-quality products, service and great popularity, ELEVATE VAPE CLUB is the only one within its industry that is regarded by Forbes magazine and American media as the most popular vape retail brand.

      ELEVATE 在社交网络上也非常受欢迎,在中国的梦想汇平台上拥有百万级粉丝,全球电子烟玩家达人及众多明星鼎力推荐。福布斯杂志连续三期对蒸汽香雾俱乐部进行独家专访。ELEVATE 不仅是美国ECC展会最大展馆赞助商之一,还是中国深圳国际电子烟展会及上海蒸汽烟嘉年华强势推荐的国际高端品牌。在线下,蒸汽香雾俱乐部在南加州拥有2家大型精品零售体验店及蒸汽香雾烟油的研发生产基地。ELEVATE在美国电子烟业内早已是声名远播。

      ELEVATE is also popular among social media with millions of fans on DreamFair (梦想汇) and even strong support from famous vapors and stars. Forbes magazine launched three consecutive exclusive interviews on ELEVATE VAPE CLUB. ELEVATE is not only one of the biggest sponsors of American Vape Convention EXPO (ECC), but a highly recommended international brand in Shenzhen International Vape Industry Expo and Shanghai Vapor Smoke Carnival. ELEVATE VAPE CLUB boasts two large fine off-line retail experience centers and R&D production bases for Vape E-Liquids (蒸汽香雾烟油). ELEVATE is a brand that is widely known within its industry.

      凭借优质的产品和服务及对产品趋势的精准把握,ELEVATE 从5个人的团队做到了现在电子烟行业内的知名连锁品牌,成为了链接厂家投资商和连锁店会员消费者的最有效平台。和全球最优质电子烟供应商长期合作,最新潮的产品,最有保障的货源渠道,蒸汽香雾俱乐部成功的赢得了消费者的信任和行业内的尊重。无论是刚入门的新手还是浸淫已久的玩家,都能在这里找到自己心仪的商品。

      Thanks to its high-quality products and services and accurate understanding of brand development trends, ELEVATE has now evolved from a small team with only five members to a well-known retail brand within its industry and the most effective platform linking investors and consumers together. ELEVATE has long been cooperating with the best vape suppliers and its most fashionable products and secured supply channels all contribute to the trust and respect from customers and the industry. No matter you are a new comer or an experienced user, you can find your favorable product here.

      ELEVATE 抢滩登陆中国市场,旨在分享全球最新最潮流的电子烟产品,汇聚全球电子烟爱好者,把最优质的电子烟产品,以最亲民的价格和服务分享给中国电子烟发烧友,为中国电子烟市场注入一股强劲的新鲜血液。据说,ELEVATE还将带来全球火爆的限量收藏版KENNEDY 新款一体烟杆以及最新独家研发的Ginseng(美国西洋参)保健烟油给中国发烧友们,敬请期待吧!

      ELEVATE is now arriving at Chinese market aiming at sharing the fanciest and latest vape with affordable prices and services and gathering vape enthusiasts from all over the world, thus infusing new blood into the Chinese vape industry. ELEVATE is said to bring Chinese vapors a new KENNEDY smoking pipe of limited collection edition and newly developed Ginseng E-Liquids. Let’s look forward to it.

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